Love Elementary’s Garden Classroom is a one of the many enrichment programs that the PTA helps organize and fund. We are proud of our garden space and the learning that happens there!
What Happens in the Garden?
Classes come out all together with their classroom teacher. Our garden teacher, has a planned lesson appropriate for the grade level and coordinated with the science standards for that class. Lessons involve some instruction and a lot of hands on activity. Examples include: native vs non-native plants, pollinators, parts of a plant, measuring and charting plant growth, journaling and art.

What Are the Garden Volunteer Opportunities?
When campus is open, volunteers can help supervise a prepared activity for a small group in the garden. You can schedule with the Garden Coordinator and/or with your child’s teacher to be out in the garden with your child’s class, or just let us know when you can help out.
Several times a year we have a garden clean-up day on a weekend day. This is also a great way to get involved, have a good time, and meet some of the parents and kids in the Love Community. Weeding is great exercise!
While the school campus is closed, we still need help with garden maintenance! Please contact Ms Bina at if you would like to help with weeding, watering, planting and other projects.
Sign up to volunteer or request more information ยป
You can find garden lessons made during distance learning on our YouTube Channel.