Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is May 6th-10th, 2024!

Here is the PTA’S gift giving guide for Appreciation Week.
Monday – Cards or gifts for your teacher. Have your child draw a picture or a card for their teacher that they can bring into school.
Tuesday – Show appreciation to all the Love Elementary staff with gifts, homemade cards, coffee or snacks to the office/staff lounge.
Wednesday – Donate desserts (drop off in the morning in the office) for luncheon that is hosted by PTA.
Thursday – Donate classroom supplies (reach out to your teacher to see what is needed. Usually they need tissue, wipes, cleaning wipes or sprays, and sanitizer)
Friday – Donate towards Happy Hour hosted by the dads club (contact Dads Club at dadsclub@lovepta.org to donate)
If you wish to buy your teacher or a staff member a gift, you can find details on what some of our teachers and staff like here. (Please note: not all participated in this list).
We know you may have your own ideas for how to appreciate teachers this week (window signs? sidewalk chalk art? music videos?)! If you want to share any photos of your projects, please send to socialmedia@lovepta.org and we will share on PTA social media (with your permission, of course).
If you have any questions please contact Vanessa Reed at president@lovepta.org