Why should I join?

The Love Elementary Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a forum where parents, teachers, and school administrators discuss ways to promote quality education, support our students’ success, and encourage community involvement in our school. Those involved in the PTA give generously of their time, talent and money to support school programs.

The PTA currently supports programs at our school, including:

  • art and music programs
  • an award-winning learning garden
  • field trips
  • assemblies
  • and a wide variety of community-building events.

Research strongly shows that a parent’s involvement in a child’s education is a huge contributor to that student’s success in school both academically and behaviorally. The PTA is one great way to get involved!

Click here to join via Totem.

PTA members are not required to attend meetings or volunteer. Simply joining supports our school and makes the PTA stronger—and it gives you a vote on PTA budget and activities!

Plus, there are rewards that come with membership! As a PTA member, you can take advantage of these awesome deals and coupons. Get more details on these and other rewards.

What does it cost to become a PTA member?

  • $15 for one membership (one person)
  • $10 for teachers

How do I join?

To pay with credit card, click here to join via Totem.

To pay with cash or check, print and mail this printable membership form (PDF).

    • Checks should be made payable to “Love PTA.
    • Mail to the school at 2025 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501